American University of Beirut

​​​The PHEMAC Project Consortium​​​​​​​​

​​​​The AUB Issam Fares Institute, member of the PHEMAC project consortium

​The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) at the American University of Beirut (AUB) is part of the Participatory Hub for Effective Mapping, acceleration and capitalization of EU-MPC NEXUS best practices – PHEMAC Project. 

PHEMAC is co-fund​ed under the PRIMA program – an Art.185 initiative supported and funded under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The project aims to develop and disseminate an interactive platform that will gather and share best practices focused on PRIMA SRIA priorities, involving a wide range of stakeholders from the farming system, water management and agri-food sectors.

  • Project Overview

PHEMAC is an innovative project designed to link funding agencies to water-energy-food nexus projects in the EU – MPC Region (MPC Mediterranean Partnership Countries). PHEMAC experts recognized that there is a lack of impactful research, caused by a lack of interaction between industry and academia. To address this problem, iHub aims to create an interactive platform that can bridge the gap between researchers and funding agencies to fund projects that would have a definitive impact on the targeted sectors of water, energy and food. IFI will develop a profiling system for iHub to better identify impactful and successful projects. These projects will be categorized into four Units of Assessments (UoA): Political, Social, Environmental and Technological. The goal of this profiling is to enable funding agencies to identify research projects that have the greatest potential of being impactful and to fund them. The approach developed by IFI will provide scores for projects to enable their comparison with others within their UoA and provide meaningful information for donors to guide their choice(s) in fund allocation.​

  • The PHEMAC consortium

The PHEMAC consortium is composed​ of twelve multidisciplinary partners from the following countries: Spain, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, France and Tunisia. The international partnership involves Berytech among the public institutions, companies, industries associations, researchers, incubators, accelerators and advisors, to connect knowledge and information from various sources for the capitalization of project’s results and to faster the implementation of practical, eco-efficient and cost-effective solutions for businesses at EU-Mediterranean Partner Countries region.

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