American University of Beirut

Research and Facilities
  • Research Opportunities

    The program accumulated over US $1,460,000 in interdisciplinary research and development grants and contract. This has enabled the publication of over 300 articles, reports, training manuals, workshops. Nearly half of these are in internationally refereed journals. The projects typically address the multiple facets of su​stainable development, including environment, livelihoods and policy. They involve interventions at the community level jointly conducted by faculty members and graduate students. They result in significant academic outcomes, such as PhD and MS theses, journal articles and conference presentations. Additionally, these projects act as an enabling framework between the university, local governments and the business sector.


    • ​Research Laboratories


    1. Environmental Core Lab in the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

    2. Environmental Engineering Research Center

    3.  Material & Soil​ Mechanics Laboratories
    4. Central Research Science Laboratory (CRSL)   ​       
    5. Public Computer Labs​


    •  ​ University Libraries

    The University Libraries consist of: Nami Jafet Memorial Library as the main library; and the following subject libraries: the Engineering and Architecture Library, the Saab Memorial Medical Library, and the Science and Agriculture Library, with its annex library at the Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC) in the Beqa'a Valley. The below link will direct you to the universities libraries:


    • Find/ Order a Thesis

    To look up for a thesis or project in the program, please go to AUB Libraries theses and dissertations,  Advanced Search, search by keyword, author or title, and limit your search to "material type= thesis" or "project" as appropriate.  Hard copies of theses and projects are housed in the Archives and Special Collections Department, Jafet Memorial Library. All theses and projects have been digitized, and authorized theses can be downloaded through AUB authentication. Restrictions on copying apply to non-authorized theses for a period of three years from the date of submission, after which they become accessible to all. The below links will direct you to the theses/projects that are submitted by IGESP students during the past seven years:


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