American University of Beirut

ASHRAE 3rd International Conference on Efficient Building Design


The 3rd International Conference on Efficient Building Design- Materials and HVAC Equipment Technologies was held at the American University of Beirut on October 4-5, 2018. The conference, organized by ASHRAE, he ASHRAE Lebanese Chapter, The Munib and Angela Masri Institute of Energy and Natural Resources, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the American University of Beirut, and sponsored by the Order of Engineers and Architects​, presented advanced research on the topics of advanced building and bioclimatic designs for attaining occupant comfort and good environmental quality addressing systems and technologies adapted to the Arab region in both moderate and hot humid climates. Click here ​for the conference guide.

The International Conference featured four keynote presentations from experts and professionals in the field. Click here ​for speaker biographies.

Parallel to th​e conference, ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) courses were offered for participants to register and perform training. 

The conference included:

1. An opening ceremony hosted by:

  • Dr. Nesreen Ghaddar, Conference Chair, American University of Beirut 
  • Mr. Ahmad El Bitar, President, Lebanese ASHRAE Chapter 
  • Mr. Don Brandt, ASHRAE Director-at-Large, representing ASHRAE President, Sheila Hayter 
  • Dr. Alan Shihadeh, Dean of the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, American University of Beirut 
  • Dr. Muhamad Harajli, Provost, American University of Beirut 
  • Trustee Munib R. Masri, Chairman of the Engineering and Development Group, Edgo 
  • Dr. Marleine Brax, Director of the CNRS-L Geophysics Centre, representing Secretary General of the National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon, Dr. Moueen Hamze
Click here to view the opening ceremony YouTube video.

2. Keynote Sessions: 

3. Techni​cal and Industrial Sessions:

Newspaper Mentions:


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