American University of Beirut

Graduate Courses Descriptions and Syllabi

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​BMEN 600 Biomedical Engineering Applications [3 credit] (Syllabus)
Biomedical  engineering  is  an  interdisciplinary  domain  which  applies  principles of  engineering  to  find  solutions  for  biological  and  health  problems.  Biomedical engineering aims to improve our fundamental understanding of biological processes and develop approaches for optimized therapeutic/diagnostic healthcare procedures. The field of biomedical engineering involves the development of materials to replace or enhance the operation of damaged or malfunctioning biological entities, development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools, modeling of biological systems, signal processing and bioinformatics. This course will introduce students to biomedical engineering and provide insight into the various applications in the biomedical engineering field. The course will be divided into modules, and each will be given by a specialist in a certain biomedical engineering area.

  • ​BMEN 601 Computational Modeling of Physiological Systems [3 credit] (Syllabus​​)
This course focuses on the quantitative modeling of different physiological systems. It provides students with current concepts of the mathematical modeling, and different quantitative descriptions of cellular and organ physiology. At the subcellular/cellular level, we will examine mechanisms of regulation and homeostasis. At the system level, the course will cover basic aspects of anatomical and pathophysiological features of the nervous, neural, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Several physiological processes are treated as case studies for increasing complexity in modeling dynamical systems.

  • ​BMEN 602 Computational Modeling of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems [3 credit]
The need for better understanding the mechanics and tools for computational modeling of cardiovascular and respiratory systems in healthy and diseased conditions is constantly increasing. This is a result of the enormous advances made in the science and engineering of both surgical and therapeutic medicine. This course covers the modeling and simulation of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It will provide the students with a thorough understanding of the anatomy, physiology and mechanics of cardiovascular and respiratory systems as well as the computational tools for modeling and simulation of cardiac, circulatory and respiratory systems in healthy and diseased conditions.

  • ​BMEN 603/CHEN 675 Tissue Engineering [3 credits] (Syllabus​​​)
In a world of aging population, an ever-increasing demand for improvement of healthcare services and need for replacement organs and tissues are arising. The limited pool of donors together with the problem of donor organ rejection is a strong driver for engineering tissues and other body parts. Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field that uses cells, biomaterials, biochemical (e.g. growth factors) and physical (e.g. mechanical stimulation) signals, as well as their combination to generate tissue-like structures. The goal of tissue engineering is to provide biological substitutes that can maintain, restore or improve the function of damaged organs in the body. This course will introduce interested students to the new field of tissue engineering and provide insight on cutting edge applications in this area.

  • ​​BMEN 604/CHEN 673 Engineering of Drug Delivery Systems [3 credit] (Syllabus​​)
This course focuses on recent advances in the development of novel drug delivery systems. The fundamentals of drug delivery are discussed. Various strategies to tune and control the release of active agents for optimized therapeutic outcomes are explored. The course covers polymers and techniques used to produce drug nanoparticles, with specific examples of nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems.

  • ​BMEN 605 Biomedical Imaging [3 credit] (Syllabus​​)
This course will provide students with an overview of the key concepts behind the main imaging modalities used in diagnostic imaging. Focus will be on explaining the physical principles and algorithms underlying X-ray imaging, computed X-ray tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, single-photon emission tomography, positron emission tomography and ultrasound imaging. The students learn the theoretical bases underlying the common forms of medical imaging as well as the limitations and the applicability of such procedures.

This course will provide a comprehensive analysis of the field of nanoengineering with a focus on biosensors including common modalities, basic theoretical considerations for sensor operation, physics of detection and applications in research and medical diagnostics. The course will cover the major types of electronic nanobiosensors for biological signal detection (potentiometric, amperometric, and mass based sensors) and their applications in the fields of neural engineering, DNA sequencing and cardiovascular early disease detection. The course will enable students to have a strong grasp of fundamentals of biosensor design, select sensors for various applications and evaluate new and emerging technologies.

  • ​​BMEN 607/MECH 633 Biomechanics [3 credit]
A course on the study of the biomechanical principles underlying the kinetics and kinematics of normal and abnormal human motion. Emphasis is placed on the interaction between biomechanical and physiologic factors (bone, joint, connective tissue, and muscle physiology and structure) in skeleto-motor function and the application of such in testing and practice in rehabilitation. The course is designed for engineering students with no previous anatomy/physiology.

  • BMEN 608/MECH 634 Biomaterial and Medical Devices [3 credit] (Syllabus​​)
A course that examines the structure-property relationships for biomaterials and the medical applications of biomaterials and devices. The first part of the course focuses on the main classes of biomaterials, metal, ceramic, polymeric and composite implant materials, as well as on their interactions with the human body (biocompatibility). The second part of the course examines the various applications of biomaterials and devices in different tissue and organ systems such as orthopedic, cardiovascular, dermatologic and dental applications. Experts from the medical community will be invited to discuss the various applications.

  • BMEN 609 Introduction to Neuroscience: Experimental, Computational and Engineering Approaches [3 credit] (Syllabus​​)
The human brain, perhaps the most complex, sophisticated and complicated learning system, controls virtually every aspect of our behavior. This course will introduce students to the field of neuroscience from the cellular level to the network level and up to the structure and function of the central nervous system. It will include a study of the basic neurophysiology of the neuron, basic electrophysiological approaches to record from neurons, as well as mathematical and/or computer-based models that help explain existing biological data and provide a theoretical framework that encapsulates the emerging understanding of the sensory, motor and cognitive functions of the brain. A goal of this course is to also provide students with a broad overview of the many practical applications in the field and review neuroengineering methods and technologies that enable the study of and therapeutic solutions for brain disorders.

  • BMEN 610 Micro and Nano Neural Interfaces [3 credit] (Syllabus​​)
Neural interfaces are micro and nano devices that form the connection between the biological neural tissue and the external electronic devices. These devices are designed for mapping, assisting, augmenting, or repairing neural pathways. The course will focus on physical, chemical and neurophysiological principles of neural interfaces, theoretical and functional basis for their design, micro and nano fabrication techniques and applications in neural prosthesis for Brain Machine Interface. Topics covered in class will include; Neural Engineering, Brain Machine Interface, Microfabrication, Nanofabrication, Soft-lithography, Electrokinetics, Electrochemistry, Neuralprobes,Biocompatibility, Microelectrodes, NeuroMEMS (neuro microelectromechanical systems), BioMEMS (biomedical microelectromechanical systems).

This course provides students with a glimpse into the world of computational finite element modeling and simulation in biomechanics to investigate and solve biomedical problems. Students will take a journey through the processes involved in producing a computational finite element model in the biomedical field; starting at construction of model geometry, particularly from medical imaging data (CT/MRI), through to model creation, simulation and visualization using finite element analysis software (ANSYS Workbench). Students will also be exposed to a selection of experimental lab techniques in biomechanics and physiology to acquire data required for model development and validation. In pursuit of developing an appreciation for the areas covered, the course will incorporate a mix of theory, demonstrations, practice, real-world modeling applications and research seminars. In addition to skills gained in modeling and basic experimentation, the course will provide students with an opportunity to enhance vital skills in scientific writing and oral communication.​

​This course is primarily targeted to Master and PhD candidates in th​​e Biomedical Engineering program, but may also be applicable to candidates from other faculties involved in biomedical research. This course is designed to offer student a broad overview of select research techniques, their real-world utility, physical application, and the analysis and interpretation of their outcomes. This will be achieved through  theory and practice. Students will first learn the fundamental theory behind common research approaches provided in a comprehensive lecture (0.5-1hr). Following this, students will move to a workshop environment that will focus on developing practical skills through demonstrations and hands-on learning. Areas covered include biomedical instrumentation, biosignal processing, tissue engineering, neuroscience, computational modeling, and physiological measurement.

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