American University of Beirut

ArD Student Awards

​​​​​​University prizes and awards for graduating students

The Penrose Award is an honorary annual award given to an outstanding undergraduate in MSFEA on the basis of scholarship, character, leadership, and contribution to university life.

The Abdul Hadi Debs Endowment Award for Academic Excellence​ is a $1,000 endowment to a student at the graduate level who has an outstanding academic record and has demonstrated research capabilities through a paper, project, or thesis deemed by the faculty to be worthy of publication.

MS​FEA awards for graduating students

The Dean's Award for Creative Achieve​ment is an annual honorary award given to a student in each undergraduate program who has demonstrated outstanding creativity in her/his approach to academic work in projects, problem solving, and/or laboratory and shop work.

The Distinguished Graduate Award​ is an annual honorary award made to a graduating student from each of the undergraduate majors for outstanding academic achievement, character, and contribution to the department.

Departmental awards for graduating students

Areen Projects Award for Excellence In Architecture​ and Graphic Design is an annual award given to the top three final projects in architecture and graphic design (first $2,200, second $1,700, and third $1,100).
The project should demonstrate: respect for and service to the community at the local, municipal, national or regional level; appropriate structural and/or practical concepts; and outstanding creativity and/or innovation.

​Other annual student awards

The Fawzi W. Azar Award​​ is an annual award toward tuition of $15,000 to one or more students entering the fifth year in the architecture program based on grades in the design courses and the 4th year project.

The George R. Rais Arch​itecture Award​​​ is an annual award for the top three students in their third year of the architecture program: first $8,000; second ​$5,000; and third $3,000.

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