Through Shattered Glass:
an international workshop focused on
ancient glass fragments, their analysis,
reconstruction and conservation
The Archaeological Museum in collaboration with the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) of the Cyprus Institute, the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Trier, The Institut Français du Proche-Orient, the Center For Advanced Mathematical Sciences (CAMS), the DIgiTal Cultural Heritage (DITCH) center at the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (MSFEA), the Department of Physics, the Department of History and Archeology at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), at AUB, organized a multidisciplinary workshop, inviting specialists to guide and support the field of experiential and multilayered glass study.
Through Shattered Glass
Day 1:
recording day 1: Through shattered glass
Opening words from Dr. Nadine Panayot, Curator of the AUB Archaeological Museum, and Dr. Fadlo Khuri, President of the American University of Beirut | Dr. Fadlo Khuri, President of the American University of Beirut
| Audience
Opening speech from Hartwig Fischer, Director of the British Museum (UK)
| Opening speech from Charles Personnaz, Director of the Institut National du Patrimoine (France)
| Thilo Rehren, The Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC), The Cyprus Institute Keynote speech: Shattered … and fused
Herman Genz, Department of History and Archeology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), American University of Beirut
| Nada Kallas, Professor – Lebanese University Glass: Old but Young. A History of the American University of Beirut's Glass Collection
| . Marianne Stern, Independent scholar, Netherlands. Some Thoughts on the Significance of Fragments for Understanding Ancient Glassworking Techniques
Bettina Birkenhagen, Archaeologist and director of the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg, Germany. Experimental Archaeology: Glass furnaces and production of ancient glass forms.
| Sylvia Fünfschilling, Independent researcher of ancient glass, affiliated to University of Basel, Switzerland. Glass as an important small find.
| Jasmina Davidović, Museum curator and Zvezdana Štimac, Curator in training, The Museum of Srem, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia. Collection of Roman glass from the Museum of Srem.
Zvezdana Štimac, Curator in training, The Museum of Srem, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia. Collection of Roman glass from the Museum of Srem.
Visit to the AUB Archaeological Museum
Checking the restored and broken glass.
Day 2:
Recording day 2: Through shattered glass
Dr. Nadine Panayot: Opening Session
| Stephen Koob, Chief conservator Emeritus, Corning Museum of Glass. Paraloid B-72 for archaeological glass: its use as an adhesive, consolidant and resin for loss compensation.
| James Fraser, Curator: Ancient Levant and Anatolia, supported by HENI; Middle East Department; The British Museum
Claire Cuyaubère and Cécile Rodier, Objects conservators, Institut National du Patrimoine, Paris. After August 4: Recovery and glass conservation at American University of Beirut Archaeological Museum.
James Fraser; Duygu Camurcuoglu; Joanne Dyer; Loretta Hogan; Zeina Klink Hoppe; Andrew Meek and Nadine Panayot, British Museum/AUB Museum. Joining shards, joining hands: new collaboration between AUB and the British Museum as the Beirut Glass Project. | Duygu Camurcuoglu, Senior inorganic objects conservator, British Museum. Engaging Public through the Glass: The Conservation and Filming of a unique Romano-British Glass Urn from the British Museum
Thilo Rehren, The Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC), The Cyprus Institute.
| Malek Tabbal, Department of Physics, AUB; Mohamad Roumié, Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission, CNRSL and Thilo Rehren, STARC, The Cyprus Institute. Investigating antique glass artefacts of the AUB Archeological Museum using materials science techniques.
| Mohamad Roumié, Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission, CNRSL
Daniel Asmar, Associate Professor, The DIgiTal Cultural Heritage (DITCH) center at the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (MSFEA), AUB. Leveraging Augmented Reality (AR) and Computer Vision in the Reconstruction of Damaged Glass Relics.
| Closing session: Thilo Rehren, STARC, The Cyprus Institute and Jihad Touma, CAMS, AUB
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