Post Award
Besides being charged with the review, approval and the formal submission of proposals (pre-award), the Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) is the sole unit authorized to negotiate and sign research and clinical trial agreements, grant awards, and contracts on behalf of the University, and this includes and is not limited to such agreements as regular research agreements, collaborative agreements, memorandum of understandings (MOU), memorandum of partnership agreements (MPA), material transfer agreements (MTA), non-disclosure agreements, and cooperative agreements.
When a grant or contract is awarded to an AUB faculty member, OGC reviews it and if necessary seeks to negotiate terms and conditions which are both acceptable to the principal investigator and satisfy University policies.
OGC plays a twofold role in the post-award phase of sponsored projects. It serves as a central point of contact for sponsor officers regarding administrative matters throughout the duration of the project and also acts as a facilitator and promoter for Principal Investigators (PIs) in all matters pertaining to the non-technical management of their grants and contracts. It is the responsibility of OGC to ensure consistency and compliance with funding agency regulations and University policies as well as serve as the liaison between the funding agency and the principal investigator. OGC is responsible for research project administration which includes negotiating or requesting changes in the project budget, modifications (budget reallocations or re-budgeting, retaining of funds, increase or decrease of funds), ensuring that cost sharing is completed and documented in the accounting records, requesting of no-cost extensions, renewal of projects, execution of sub-recipient arrangements, subcontracts, consultancies, and coordinating the closing out of projects among other administrative issues.
After an award has been accepted, Grants and Contracts Officers assist the principal investigator in managing his or her grant by clarifying regulations, procedures, and sponsor policies and conditions, as well as consulting on such matters as cost allowability, subcontracts, and helping resolve administrative problems which may arise during the course of the project.
Contacts for Grant Administration
The offices most involved in post award management are:
- The principal investigator's departmental office - This Office, with the Principal Investigator is responsible for the day to day management of the project.
- The Office of Grants and Contracts - This Office assists investigators in interpreting the award terms and conditions, monitor project expenditures, and liaison with the sponsor regarding project administration.
- The Office of the Comptroller - This Office is responsible for oversight of financial management of the grant and all official financial reporting and audits.
Any queries or problems arising during a project should immediately be brought to the attention of OGC, namely the grants and contracts managers, whose responsibility is to assist in the administration of awarded grants.