2023 |
Aninvestment-basedexplanationofcurrencyexcess returns. Journal of International Money and Finance, 133. |
Jamali, I.,Yamani, E.,& Smallwood,A.D. |
Publication |
2023 |
Companies'ethical certification and their attractiveness to institutional investors: An intermediate signaling perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility. |
Ismail, A. K., Jamali, D., Khalil, S., Safieddine,A., & Samara,G. |
Publication |
2023 |
Extreme energy poverty: The aftermath of Lebanon’s economic collapse. Energy Policy, 183, 113783. |
Dagher, L., Jamali, I., & Abi Younes, O. |
Publication |
2023 |
International evidence on the relationship between corporate ethics and dividend policy. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 19(4), 890-909. |
Farooq, O., & Ahmed, N. |
Publication |
2023 |
Re-ordering policies for inventory systems with a fluctuating economic environment–Using economic descriptors to model the demand process. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(3), 860-872. |
Dbouk, W., Tarhini, H., & Nasr, W. |
Publication |
2023 |
Companies' ethical certification and their attractiveness to institutional investors: An intermediate signaling perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility. |
Ismail, A.K.,Jamali, D., Khalil, S.,Safieddine, A.,& Samara, G. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Entrepreneurship and peacebuilding: A review and synthesis. Business & Society, 62(2), 322-362. |
Joseph, J., Katsos, J. E., & Van Buren III, H. J. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Hero brands, brand heroes: How RM Williams inspired a cult following and created a shared sense of meaning. Business Horizons, 66(3), 405-414. |
Cooper, H. B., Ewing, M. T., Campbell, C., & Treen, E. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Higher education leadership, quality of worklife and turnover intention among Lebanese academics in COVID-19: a moderated mediation model. European Journal of Training and Development. |
Chami-Malaeb, R., Menhem, N., & Abdulkhalek, R. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Marketing communication education in developing countries: Post-pandemic insights from India and South Africa. Journal of marketing communications, 1-23. |
Cooper, H. B., Ewing, M. T., Jayasinghe, L., Struweg, I., & Wait, M. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Technostress and Online Teaching During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Lebanon. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly |
Bou Reslan, F., & El Hokayem, J. |
| Publication |
2023 |
The disabling effects of enabling social policies on organisations’ human capital development practices for women. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1), 129-147. |
Reichel, A., Lazarova, M., Apospori, E., Afiouni, F., Andresen, M., Bosak, J., ... & Taniguchi, M. |
| Publication |
2023 |
The end of resilience? Managing vulnerability through temporal resourcing and resisting. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(3), 831-863. |
Branzei, O., & Fathallah, R. |
| Publication |
2023 |
The workplace social performance of family firms: a configurational approach. Management Research Review, 46(2), 268-291. |
Samara, G., Parada, M. J., & Fathallah, R. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Women leadership, culture, and islam: female voices from Jordan. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(2), 347-363. |
Koburtay, T., Abuhussein, T., & Sidani, Y. M. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Microaggressions as a Framework for Understanding Women’s STEM Career Experiences in Lebanon. Sex Roles, 89(3), 155-173. |
Makarem, Y., & Metcalfe, B. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Power and Limits to Institutional Work: Organizing in Oppressive Regimes. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 16157). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. |
Joseph, J., & Van Buren, H. J. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Affordances and Information Systems Research: Taking Stock and Moving Forward. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 54(2) |
Mesgari, M., Mohajeri, K., & Azad, B. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Re-ordering policies for inventory systems with a fluctuating economic environment–Using economic descriptors to model the demand process. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(3) |
Dbouk, W., Tarhini, H., & Nasr, W. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Credibility-based cascading approach to achieve net-zero emissions in energy symbiosis networks using an Organic Rankine Cycle. Applied Energy, 340 |
Asghari, M., Afshari, H., Jaber, M. Y., & Searcy, C. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Dynamic deployment of energy symbiosis networks integrated with organic Rankine cycle systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 183, 113513. |
Asghari, M., Afshari, H., Jaber, M. Y., & Searcy, C. |
| Publication |
2023 |
The Hidden History of the Like Button: From Decentralized Data to Semantic Enclosure. Social media+ Society, 9(3) |
Halpin, H. |
| Publication |
2023 |
The validation of the Arabic version of the resilience scale 14 (RS-14). BMC nursing, 22(1), 239. |
Honein-AbouHaidar, G., Bou-Hamad, I., Dhaini, S., Davidson, P., Reynolds, N. R., Al-Zaru, I. M., ... & Dumit, N. Y. |
| Publication |
2023 |
Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study to investigate how mental health, lifestyle, and socio- demographic factors shape students’ quality of life. PloS one, 18(7), e0288358. |
Bou-Hamad, I., Hoteit, R., Hijazi, S., Ayna, D., Romani, M., & El Morr, C. |
| Publication |
2022 |
Entrepreneurship, Peace, and Institutions in the Middle East and North Africa Region, Sindakis, S. and Aggarwal, S. (Ed.) Entrepreneurial Rise in the Middle East and North Africa: The Influence of Quadruple Helix on Technological Innovation (Advanced Strategies in Entrepreneurship, Education and Ecology), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 53-66. |
Joseph, J. |
Publication |
2022 |
Influence of Emotional Marketing on Consumer Behavior towards Food and Beverage Brands during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study from Lebanon. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-18. |
Bou Saada, R., Bou-Hamad, I., and Harajli, D. |
Journal Article |
2022 |
Personal Economic Worries in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross Sectional Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. |
Bou-Hamad, I., Hoteit, R., Harajli, D., and Reykowska, D. |
Publication |
2022 |
Redefining Boundaries: The Case of Women Angel Investors in a Patriarchal Context. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 34(1-2), 137-157. |
Daou, A., Talbot, D., & Jomaa, Z. |
Publication |
2022 |
The disabling effects of enabling social policies on organisations’ human capital development practices for women. Human Resource Management Journal. |
Reichel, A., Lazarova, M., Apospori, E., Afiouni, F., Andresen, M., Bosak, J., Parry, E., Bagdadli, S., Briscoe, J. P., Gianecchini, M., Suzanne, P., & Taniguchi, M. |
Journal |
2022 |
Entrepreneurship, Peace, and Institutions in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Entrepreneurial Rise in the Middle East and North Africa: The Influence of Quadruple Helix on Technological Innovation. |
Joseph, J. |
Publication |
2022 |
Entrepreneurship and Peacebuilding: A Review and Synthesis. Business & Society. |
Joseph, J., Katsos, J. E., & Van Buren, H. J. |
Publication |
2022 |
A cognitive analytics management framework to select input and output variables for data envelopment analysis modeling of performance efficiency of banks using random forest and entropy of information. Annals of Operations Research 308(1-2), 63-92. |
Bou-Hamad, I., Anouze, A.L., & Osman, I.H. |
Publication |
2022 |
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research 298(1), 89-98. |
Fleszar, K. |
Publication |
2022 |
A MILP Model and Two Heuristics for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts and Item Fragmentation. European Journal of Operational Research. |
Fleszar, K. |
Publication |
2022 |
On a single server queue fed by scheduled traffic with Pareto perturbations. Queueing Systems 100(1-2), 61-91. |
Araman, V.F., Chen, H., Glynn, P.W., & Xia, L. |
Publication |
2021 |
It’s time to consider national culture when designing team training initiatives in healthcare. BMJ Quality & Safety, 30(5), 412-417. |
Rice, J., Daouk-Öyry, L., & Hitti, E |
Publication |
2021 |
M&As and political uncertainty: Evidence from the 2016 US presidential election. Journal of Financial Stability, 54 doi:10.1016/j.jfs.2021.100866 |
Chahine, S., Dbouk, W., & El-Helaly, M. |
Publication |
2021 |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Rule 144A Debt Offerings: Empirical Evidence. International Journal of Financial Studies, 6(4), 94. |
Dbouk, W., Jin, D., Wang, H., & Wang, J. |
Publication |
2021 |
The value of CSR in acquisitions: Evidence from china. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(7) doi:10.3390/su13073721 |
Li, K., He, C., Dbouk, W., & Zhao, K. |
Publication |
2021 |
The effect of economic uncertainty on inventory and working capital for manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 230 doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107888 |
Dbouk, W., Moussawi-Haidar, L., & Jaber, M. Y. |
Publication |
2021 |
Standardized cargo network revenue management with dual channels under stochastic and time-dependent demand. European Journal of Operational Research. |
Moussawi-Haidar, L., Nasr, W., & Jalloul, M. |
Publication |
2021 |
Career constructions and a feminist standpoint on the meaning of context. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(2), 672-700. |
Karam, C. M., & Afiouni, F. |
Publication |
2021 |
Does consumer ethnocentrism impact international shopping? A theory of social class divide. Psychology & Marketing, 38(5), 735-744. |
Aljukhadar, M., Boeuf, B., & Senecal, S. |
Publication |
2021 |
A buyer-vendor system with untimely delivery costs: Traditional coordination vs. VMI with consignment stock. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 154, 107009. |
Çömez-Dolgan, N., Moussawi-Haidar, L., & Jaber, M. Y. |
Publication |
2021 |
Standardized cargo network revenue management with dual channels under stochastic and time-dependent demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 295(1), 275-291. |
Moussawi-Haidar, L., Nasr, W., & Jalloul, M. |
Publication |
2021 |
Joint reserve stock and just-in-time inventory under regular preventive maintenance and random disruptions. International Journal of Production Research, 1-22. |
Moussawi-Haidar, L., Daou, H., & Khalil, K. |
Publication |
2021 |
The effect of economic uncertainty on inventory and working capital for manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 230, 107888. |
Dbouk, W., Moussawi-Haidar, L., & Jaber, M. Y. |
Publication |
2021 |
CEO Network Centrality and the Likelihood of Financial Reporting Fraud. Abacus. |
Chahine, S., Fang, Y., Hasan, I., & Mazboudi, M. |
Publication |
2021 |
Job Crafting Mediates the Relation between Creativity, Personality, Job Autonomy and Well‐being in Lebanese Nurses. Journal of Nursing Management. |
Ghazzawi, R., Bender, M., Daouk‐Öyry, L., van de Vijver, F. J., & Chasiotis, A. |
Publication |
2021 |
Inefficiency source tracking: evidence from data envelopment analysis and random forests. Annals of Operations Research, 1-21. |
Anouze, A. L., & Bou-Hamad, I. |
Publication |
2021 |
Intertemporal price discrimination with time-varying valuations. Operations Research, 69(1), 245-265. |
Araman, V. F., & Fayad, B. |
Publication |
2021 |
Re-evaluating electronic government development index to monitor the transformation toward achieving sustainable development goals. Journal of Business Research, 131, 426-440. |
Osman, I. H., & Zablith, F. |
Publication |
2021 |
A Multi-agents system for solving facility layout problem: Application to operating theater. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 28(4), 601-619. |
Chraibi, A., Kharraja, S., Osman, I. H., & Elbeqqali, O. |
Publication |
2021 |
A cognitive analytics management framework to select input and output variables for data envelopment analysis modeling of performance efficiency of banks using random forest and entropy of information. Annals of Operations Research, 1-30. |
Bou-Hamad, I., Anouze, A. L., & Osman, I. H. |
Publication |
2021 |
Labor Management in the Lebanese Construction Industry. |
Kleib, S., Afiouni, F., & Srour, I. |
Publication |
2021 |
The importance of corporate social responsibility strategic fit and times of economic hardship. British Journal of Management, 32(2), 399-415. |
Apaydin, M., Jiang, G. F., Demirbag, M., & Jamali, D. |
Publication |
2021 |
Micro-foundational dimensions of firm internationalization as determinants of knowledge management strategy. Technology Forecasting & Social Change, 165, 1-15. |
Demirbag, M., Apaydin, M., & Sahadev, S. |
Publication |
2021 |
Implementation of sustainability management tools: The contribution of awareness, external pressures, and stakeholder consultation. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(1), 71-81. |
Talbot, D., Raineri, N., & Daou, A. |
Publication |
2021 |
‘Revolution is a woman’-the feminisation of the Arab spring. Journal of Marketing Management, 37(3-4), 360-363. |
El Jurdi, H. A., & Ourahmoune, N. |
Publication |
2021 |
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem, European Journal of Operational Research, in press |
Fleszar K |
Publication |
2021 |
Host country corporate income tax rate and foreign subsidiary survival. Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101186. |
Farah, B., Elias, R., Chakravarty, D., & Beamish, P. |
Publication |
2021 |
Re-ordering Policies for Inventory Systems with Recyclable Items and Stochastic Demand–Outsourcing vs. In-house Recycling. Omega, 102514. |
Hallak, B., Nasr, W. W., & Jaber, M. Y. |
Publication |
2021 |
Corporate governance in the Middle East and North Africa: a systematic review of current trends and opportunities for future research. Corporate Governance: An International Review |
Farah, B., Elias, R., Aguilera, R., & Abi Saad, E. |
Publication |
2021 |
Corporate governance in the Middle East and North Africa: A systematic review of current trends and opportunities for future research. Corporate Governance: An International Review. |
Farah, B., Elias, R., Aguilera, R., & Abi Saad, E. |
Publication |
2021 |
Inventory systems with stochastic and batch demand: computational approaches. Annals of Operations Research, 1-25. |
Nasr, W. W. |
Publication |
2021 |
Does gender affect innovation? Evidence from female chief technology officers. Research Policy, 50(9), 104327. |
Wu, Q., Dbouk, W., Hasan, I., Kobeissi, N., & Zheng, L. |
Publication |
2021 |
Health worries, life satisfaction, and social well-being concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from Lebanon. Plos one, 16(7), e0254989. |
Bou-Hamad, I., Hoteit, R., & Harajli, D. |
Publication |
2021 |
Entrepreneurship, Conflict, and Peace: The Role of Inclusion and Value Creation. Business & Society, pp. 1-36. |
Joseph, J., & Van Buren III, H. J. |
Publication |
2021 |
Reconciling Instructors' and Students' Course Overlap Perspectives via Linked Data Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. |
Zablith, F., & Azad, B. |
Publication |
2021 |
Multinational enterprise parent-subsidiary governance and survival. Journal of World Business, 101271. |
Farah, B., Chakravarty, D., Dau, L., & Beamish, P. W. |
Publication |
2021 |
Diffusion Approximations for a Class of Sequential Experimentation Problems. Management Science. |
Araman, V. F., & Caldentey, R. A. |
Publication |
2021 |
Antecedents and outcomes of bifurcated compensation in family firms: A multilevel view. Human Resource Management Review, 31(1), 100728. |
Samara, G., Jamali, D., & Parada, M. J. |
Publication |
2021 |
Unveiling (in) vulnerability in an adolescent’s consumption subculture: A framework to understand adolescents’ experienced (in) vulnerability and ethical implications. Journal of Business Ethics, 169(4), 713-730. |
Batat, W., & Tanner, J. F. |
Publication |
2020 |
The effect of family control on audit fees during financial crisis |
Al-Okaily, J. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Economic bonding, corporate governance and earnings management: Evidence from UK publicly traded family firms |
Al-Okaily, J.,
BenYoussef, N.,&
Chahine, S. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Change gears before speeding up: The roles of Chief Executive Officer human capital and venture capitalist monitoring in Chief Executive Officer change before initial public offering |
Chahine, S., & Zhang, Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Investor relations and IPO performance |
Chahine, S., Colak, G., Hasan, I., & Mazboudi, M. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Do social networks encourage risk-taking? Evidence from bank CEOs |
Dbouk, W., Fang, Y., Liu, L., & Wang, H. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The effect of economic uncertainty on inventory and working capital for manufacturing firms |
Dbouk, W., Moussawi-Haidar, L., & Jaber, M. Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Diffusion theory, national corruption and IFRS adoption around the world |
El-Helaly, M., Ntim, C. G., & Al-Gazzar, M. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The Role of National Culture in International Financial Reporting Standards Adoption |
El-Helaly, M., Ntim, C. G., & Soliman, M. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Geographic Variation in Religiosity and Its Impact of Dividend Policies |
Farooq, O., Bakhadirov, M., & Ahmed, N. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Anti-corruption, Transparency and Accountability: Case Study of Healthcare in the Arab Countries |
Hunter, M., Uwaydah Mardini, R., El-Seblani, A., & Elsayed, S. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The influence of religiosity on tax evasion attitudes in Lebanon. |
Khalil, S., & Sidani, Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Harmonization of firm CSR policies across national contexts: Evidence from Brazil & Sweden |
Mazboudi, M., Sidani, Y. M., & Al Ariss, A. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Incorporating Nearpod in undergraduate financial accounting classes in Egypt |
Shehata, N., Mitry, C., Shawki, M., & El-Helaly, M. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Do single‐stock circuit breakers provide a safety net for Canadian investors? |
Switzer, L. N., El Meslmani, N., & Tahaoglu, C. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Imagery makes social media captivating! Aesthetic value in a consumer-as-value-maximizer framework |
Aljukhadar, M., Poirier, A. B., & Senecal, S. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Social media mavenism: Toward an action-based metric for knowledge dissemination on social networks |
Aljukhadar, M., Senecal, S., & Bériault Poirier, A. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The importance of corporate social responsibility strategic fit and times of economic hardship |
Apaydin, M., Jiang, G. F., Demirbag, M., & Jamali, D. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The role of informal social networks as intermediaries in the foreign markets |
Apaydin, M., Thornberry, J., & Sidani, Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
How can the art of living (art de vivre) make the French luxury industry unique and competitive? |
Batat, W., & De Kerviler, G. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The Ecocanvas as a business model canvas for a circular economy. |
Daou, A., Mallat, C., Chammas, G., Cerantola, N., Kayed, S., & Saliba, N. A. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Evidence‐Based Management Competency Model for Managers in Hospital Settings |
Daouk‐Öyry, L., Sahakian, T., & van de Vijver, F. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Cultural norms and the marketplace: favor economies in the Arab world |
El Jurdi, H., & Houjeir, R |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Beauty salon-a marketplace icon |
Ourahmoune, N., & El Jurdi, H. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Leadership succession in different types of organizations: What business and political successions may learn from each other |
Farah, B., Elias, R., De Clercy, C., & Rowe, G. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Accelerated Engaged Tacit Knowledge Acquisition during Executive Succession |
Elias, R., and Farah, B. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Informal networks: Dark sides, bright sides, and unexplored dimensions |
Horak, S., Afiouni, F., Bian, Y., Ledeneva, A., Muratbekova-Touron, M., & Fey, C. F. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Open access, open science, and coronavirus: Mega trends with historical proportions |
Jamali, D., Barkemeyer, R., Leigh, J. S., & Samara, G. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
How institutions affect CSR practices in the Middle East and North Africa: A critical review |
Jamali, D., Jain, T., Samara, G., & Zoghbi, E |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Seeing versus doing: How businesses manage tensions in pursuit of sustainability |
Joseph, J., Borland, H., Orlitzky, M., & Lindgreen, A. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Local Business, Local Peace? Intergroup and Economic Dynamics |
Joseph, J., Katsos, J. E., & Daher, M. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
From family successors to successful business leaders: A qualitative study of how high-quality relationships develop in family businesses |
Kandade, K., Samara, G., Parada, M. J., & Dawson, A. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Career Constructions and a Feminist Standpoint on the Meaning of Context |
Karam, C.M. and Afiouni, F. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Career experiences of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields: A systematic literature review |
Makarem, Y., & Wang, J. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Macro talent management theorizing: transnational perspectives of the political economy of talent formation in the Arab Middle East |
Metcalfe, B. D., Makarem, Y., & Afiouni, F. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The adoption of governance mechanisms in family businesses: an institutional lens |
Parada, M. J., Gimeno, A., Samara, G., & Saris, W. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Learning organization thought leaders interview series |
Reese, S. R., & Sidani, Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Family businesses in the Arab Middle East: What do we know and where should we go? |
Samara, G. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Nancy Dixon: empowering the learning organization through psychological safety |
Sidani, Y., & Reese, S. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Creating sustainability: the learning organization in action |
Sidani, Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Implementation of sustainability management tools: The contribution of awareness, external pressures, and stakeholder consultation |
Talbot, D., Raineri, N., & Daou, A. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
How digital visualizations shape strategy work on the frontlines |
Azad, B., & Zablith, F. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The impact of social media usage and lifestyle habits on academic achievement: Insights from a developing country context |
Bou-Hamad, I. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Forecasting financial time-series using data mining models: A simulation study |
Bou-Hamad, I., & Jamali, I. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Partisan selective exposure in TV consumption patterns: A polarized developing country context |
Bou-Hamad, I., & Yehya, N. A. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Temporary price increase during replenishment lead time |
Çömez-Dolgan, N., Moussawi-Haidar, L., Esmer, B., & Jaber, M. Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
The effect of economic uncertainty on inventory and working capital for manufacturing firms |
Dbouk, W., Moussawi-Haidar, L., & Jaber, M. Y. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Re-evaluating electronic government development index to monitor the transformation toward achieving sustainable development goals |
Osman, I.H., & Zablith, F. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Cognitive Analytics Management: Digital Disruption for Innovative Shared Values |
Osman, I.H., Antoine Harfouche, Stacie Petter |
Journal Article |
2020 |
A cognitive analytics management framework to select input and output variables for data envelopment analysis modeling of performance efficiency of banks using random forest and entropy of information |
Bou-Hamad, I. A.L. Anouze, Osman, I.H. |
Journal Article |
2020 |
Contextual embeddedness of careers: female “nonsurvivors” and their gendered relational context |
Afiouni, F., Karam, C. M., & Makarem, Y |
Conference Papers |
2020 |
Innovation 2: Innovative Course on Innovation Takes On the Lebanese Revolution |
Apaydin, M., & Bouri, C. |
Conference Papers |
2020 |
A Journey of Learning, Development, and Collaboration: Passing the Torch |
Wang, J., Cho, Y., Beigi, M., Alagaraja, M., & Makarem, Y. |
Editorials |
2020 |
A reinvigorated vision for BE: ER to sustain a trajectory of excellence |
Jamali, D., Barkemeyer, R., Leigh, J. S., & Samara, G. |
Editorials |
2020 |
BE: ER is beyond suppression. |
Jamali, D., Barkemeyer, R., Leigh, J. S., & Samara, G. |
Editorials |
2020 |
Oil price dynamics and energy transitions in the Middle East and North Africa: Economic implications and structural reforms. |
Dagher, L., Fattouh, B., & Jamali, I. |
Editorials |
2020 |
Want to get your paper published? Please follow this virtuous guidance!. Business Ethics: A European review |
Jamali, D., Leigh, J. S., Barkemeyer, R., & Samara, G. |
Editorials |
2020 |
AIESEC in Lebanon: Volunteer Engagement Policies |
Daou, A., Jackwala, M., and Khoury, H. |
Case Studies |
2020 |
Maliks: Franchising The Brand |
El Hajj, S. |
Case Studies |
2020 |
Democrata: Exploring Opportunities for Local Growth |
Apaydin, M., Akiki, M. and Bdeir, J. |
Case Studies |
2020 |
Understanding Diversity in the Lebanese Workplace: Legal Protections in the Context of Protracted Crises and Occupation |
Karam, C. M. and Ghanem, M. |
Book Chapters |
2020 |
Islamic perspective of responsible management |
Sidani, Y. |
Book Chapters |
2020 |
Management & Organization Review |
Dr. Marina Apaydin, Dr. John Thornburry and Dr. Yusuf Sidani |
Article |
2020 |
Human Resources Management during Crises; Lessons of the Lebanese Economic Crisis and the Corona Epidemic |
Lina Daouk- Öyry and Yasmeen Makarem |
Article |
2020 |
Intertemporal Price Discrimination with Time-Varying Valuations |
Dr. Victor Araman |
Article |
2020 |
Stocks and Shocks from the U.S. to the MENA: is the U.S. Contagious? |
Dr. Ibrahim Jamali |
Conversation |
2020 |
Embracing Disruption: Coping and Transformation |
Dr. Bijan Azad |
Conversation |
2020 |
Executive Succession Planning: A Critical Conduit to Business Sustainability |
Dr Rida Eliaswith Professor Bassam Farah |
Conversation |