American University of Beirut

Under the Patronage of His Excellency Mr. Saad Hariri The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Analytics Management 2018 - Digital Disruption for Innovative Shared Values

Cognitive Analytics Management: Digital Disruption for Innovative Shared Values

is a new interdisciplinary field. It integrates concepts from artificial intelligence, business analytics, cognitive and behavioral science, big data analytics, data engineering, data science, information systems, operations research and management. It accelerates the digital transformation of every industry and every organization, disrupts traditional thinking and reinvents business models for boosting productivity and innovation, enhancing competitive advantage, creating shared values to stakeholders for the sustainable development of our society and the world.


  • To bring awareness about new development in CAM theories, models, and tools.
  • To bring together top academics, scholars, professionals and other interested groups to share experiences on the digital disruption best practices and real impact on public and private sectors.
  • To connect regional and expatriate researchers, practitioners and partners, with technology companies and pioneer the launching of an International CAM network to accelerate digital transformation impact and unlock its potential benefits.

A Cognitive Analytics Management framework that transforms organizations through digital disruptive technologies involves the following three processes:

  • A cognitive process frames a societal challenge in analytics terms. It enables asking the right questions to develop a data strategy with linkage to mission/vision and desired shared value goals. The data strategy sets guidelines for selecting variables and data modeling, monitoring, quality, sourcing, security, remediation and validation using cognitive agents, cognitive services and data technology tools.
  • The analytics process analyzes data using descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics to generate digital insights to make informed decisions, and to create shared values to stakeholders. It employs methodologies inspired from various fields, including artificial intelligence, block-chains, behavioral psychology, data science cognitive computing, big data analytics, data mining and deep learning, forecasting, management science, operations research, optimization, simulation, statistics and visualization, among others;
  • The management process advocates the necessary fundamental changes in an organization to empower digital leadership and talent to successfully embark on the digital transformation journey. Change of management is by far the most enduring bottleneck in the digital disruptive transformation. It requires proper restructuring of organizations; empowering leadership to launch, accelerate, and implement analytics projects; and communicating shared values to stakeholders to achieve the sustainable development of organizations, society and the world.

Shared Values

Shared values combine shareholders’ business values and stakeholders’ economic, environmental, as well as other social impact values. They include new products, personalized-service innovations, improved productivity and performance, prediction of patterns, prioritization of initiatives for strategic planning, better allocation of scarce resources, early detection of fraud and failures, increased satisfaction and new markets, improved transparency and trust, eradication of corruption, and continuous sustainable development, among others.

Application Domains

CAM processes are at the heart of digital disruption (transformation). These processes incorporate the use of digital disruptive technologies into all aspects of an organization. Generally speaking, digital transformation leads to the disruption of the status quo and provides new innovations, capabilities and a chance for organizations to apply the transformation in order to remain relevant and competitive. These disruptions can enable, accelerate, or directly force transformation that radically improves the functionality, performance and outreach of an organization, and increasing stakeholder shared value. Hence, it is not a surprise to find new applications are reported daily across industries and domains with goals of becoming better and smarter: smart business, smart bank, smart city, smart education, smart finance, smart government, smart manufacturing, smart health, smart home, smart love, smart retail, smart services, smart sport, etc.

Call for submissions

We seek submissions to better understand advancement in theories, applications and services of cognitive analytics management; and to set its future directions for our community. Three types of submissions on the following topics, but not limited to:


  • Fostering innovations in public and private organizations through digital disruptive technologies – conceptual and critical perspectives
  • Foundations for implementing digital transformation initiatives - capacity building, policies, strategies, and shared value models
  • Change management and leadership in the digital transformation initiatives focusing on continuous improvement and radical change/digital disruption
  • Data strategy, governance, security and ethics necessary for the digital disruption initiative
  • Digital transformation processes, integration, management, challenges and opportunities
  • Digital transformational implications of big data analytics, policy informatics, and smart cities/governments/organizations.
  • Emerging disruptive platforms and technologies including artificial intelligence, block-chain, big or open data,  evolutionary machine learning, deep learning, quantum computing, cognitive services (internet of things, mobile apps, cognitive agents), cloud computing digital ecosystems, social media among others
  • Emerging initiatives and applications with impact, outcomes, and implications of the digital disruptive/transformation on business; commerce and retails, banking and finance, government,  project/program and process, people, health , supply chain & logistics; and poverty and humanitarian relief;  among others
  • Efficiency, effectiveness, barriers, and challenges of the digital transformation process
  • Organizational change, and governance aspects in the digital disruption process
  • Optimization and simulation modeling advances in smart organizations
  • Stakeholders and community' engagement in the in the digital transformation process
  • Theoretical foundations and perspectives on the digital disruption process


Papers provide authors of a single paper an opportunity to make a 25-30 minute presentation on theories, applications and impactful real-case studies in one or multiple topics.


To provide an opportunity for a group of researchers to explore a specific topic of interest in a panel format. A panel will typically involve a panel moderator, who poses several questions related to the topic, and three to four expert contributors with alternative views or perspectives on the topic. Panels are expected to last for a duration of one hour and a half to two hours. Experts may be drawn from academia and/or from industry. Panel submissions that are related to the conference theme are especially encouraged. However, panel proposals on relevant topics are all welcome.

Workshop and Tutorials

These are typically half- or full-day sessions that facilitate discussions and exploration of ideas, techniques, and methodologies that advance research, teaching knowledge of CAM-related concepts, or products/tools from industry and their applications to academia or industry practice.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Ibrahim H. Osman
Professor of Business Information and Decision Systems

Husni Sawwaf Endowed Chair in Business and Management

Suliman S. Olayan School of Business
Bliss Street, PO Box 11-0236 Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961-1-350000 x 3953

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