American University of Beirut


Visiting Scholar Program

The Provost’s Office supports visits by up to ten senior scholars from other universities for periods of one week or less. Priority is given to scholars whose proposed program will have an impact on more than one discipline or faculty.
As part of the program, visiting scholars are expected to provide one or more of the following services:
  • Provide lectures, seminars, or workshops;
  • Participate in discussions involving undergraduate and graduate students; 
  • Advise departments on curriculum development and research planning;
  • Work with faculty and graduate students on specific areas of research interest;
  • Establish ties with researchers at AUB and initiate joint research projects. 


The objectives of the Visiting Scholar Program are: 
  • To enhance interdisciplinary cooperation at AUB; 
  • To expand the academic and research expertise available to AUB faculty; 
  • To promote the exchange of ideas between AUB faculty and visiting scholars; 
  • To facilitate academic and research collaboration between AUB faculty and the institutions represented by the visitors; 
  • To provide faculties and departments undergoing program review with critical input and review recommendations. 

Application Procedures

​Applications/proposals for visiting scholars are voted at the departmental/program level and approved by the dean of the faculty/school, after consultation with the faculty advisory committee. Once approved by the dean, visiting scholar applications are submitted to the provost for final approval. 

Priority is given to applications received by January 5

List of Application Requirements

The application for each visiting scholar should include the following information, as well as his or her CV:
  • Name of faculty/school, department, and/or program;
  • Date of application;
  • Name of visiting scholar;
  • Current position, affiliation of visitor;
  • Area of scholarly specialization;
  • Proposed date(s) of visit;
  • Summary of visitor’s scholarly contributions;
  • Visitor’s program while at AUB;
  • How the proposed visit satisfies the stated visiting scholar program objectives;
  • Expected outcomes of the visit;
  • Chair or director’s recommendation;
  • Dean’s recommendation, including information about the nominee’s merit and selection.
This program will cover the fare of a round-trip economy ticket and a per diem for for a total of up to seven days.​

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