Inclusive Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion (RRP) Strategies of Women Program
The program provides participants with concrete, competitive arguments for implementing inclusive recruitment, retention, and promotion strategies, followed by hands-on experiential exercises to enable local strategizing to tackle barriers and implement purposeful strategies for inclusive workplaces. The program informs, engages, and connects executives, HR managers, and key decision-makers using solution-driven and tailor-made content for the region.
Inclusive Investment Strategies to Advance Gender Equality and Promote Informed Decision Making Program
The program aims to provide an in-depth understanding of Gender Lens Investing (GLI) in the MENA region and the strategies that can enhance GLI implementation. It seeks to raise awareness among investors and capital providers about the importance of integrating gender analysis into their investment strategies and to develop action plans, in close collaboration with employers, investors, and women-owned businesses, that promote GLI in the region.