American University of Beirut

Capture a memory - part II

​​Study group in details

led by Ms. Kathyrn Dorman and Dr. Bert Hirschhorn, this master class ran for two weeks during our Spring 2012 term on Fridays from 10:00 till 12:00 AM in the Regional External Programs building

Journey to the land of the memory

After the success of the memoir writing class “Capture a Memory” conducted in Fall 2011, Katherine Dorman and Bert Hirschhorn led Part II of this study group. The seniors who had started this journey were able to perfect their writing skills in Spring 2012.

They went up together to the 5th floor of the REP building, where the view on the beautiful AUB campus added inspiration to the group members. They all dug deep in their memories to create an imaginary place at some imaginary point in time that the reader could see, hear, smell, feel concretely and emotionally…. 

Right after the last session on June 15, Michka Mourani Mojabber wrote to the group: 

“We had our second master class with Bert and Kathy, and it was every bit as productive and delightful as all our other gatherings.

At the end of our session- replete as it was with Dia's cake that melted in the mouth, with the sound of traffic obliterated by Faisal's mesmerizing BBC tones, with the aroma of coffee which, although instant, seemed to be transformed by camaraderie to something fresh and vibrant, and with the experience of a group of writers with big hearts sharing their thoughts and feelings and struggles with pen and paper - How could this be the last session? Tenacious in my refusal to see our little family disbanded, I proposed that we meet again in the fall for a sharing session.”

And so, the passionate writers will meet again on October 10, 2012! 

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