On the first of July 2010, members of the League of Independent Activists (IndyAct) gathered in Sodeco in front of the office of the largest global tobacco manufacturer (BAT), to protest tobacco-firm lobbying as lawmakers discuss a new anti-smoking law.
In July 2010, while Lebanon waits for the final football match of the World Cup; IndyACT awaits the final decision on the Tobacco control law currently being considered by the Parliament. So, ten activists from the League of Independent Activists – IndyACT, organized a football match in front of the parliament, where the first team represented the international tobacco companies, the second team represented the Chamber of Deputies, and the ball was none other than the Tobacco Control Law currently under discussion in the Parliament.
Seconds after the beginning of the game, referee IndyACT raised the red card expelling the tobacco companies’ team from the game because of its unethical infiltration and illegal blocking of the other team. This was welcomed by viewers and fans representing civil society, public health experts and academics, who chanted along with the vuvuzellas "towards complete smoking prevention in enclosed public places!" and "the Lebanese parliament, champion of the world in prohibiting smoking in enclosed public places!”