American University of Beirut

Tobacco-Free AUB

​​​​​​On January 1, 2018, the American University of Beirut became tobacco-free. This presidential initiative brought AUB in line with thousands of universities around the world that promote health and wellbeing on campuses by prohibiting the use of tobacco products, indoors and out.​

President Fadlo R. Khuri, MD, officially announced this initiative in March 2017 and created a high-level task force to review the evidence, develop a tobacco-free campus policy, and plan for all aspects of implementation, enforcement, and evaluation.

AUB's tobacco-free policy prohibits the use of any tobacco product, including electronic cigarettes. In addition, it prohib​its the sale or free distribution of tobacco products on campus and prohibits student organizations from accepting money, advertising, or gifts from tobacco companies.

This website documents the initiative and acts as an archival location for all efforts done back then.

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