American University of Beirut

Project Management Certificate


This certificate program, open to university graduates who have few years of experience, provides participants with the ability to achieve their​ objectives via effective project management. Participants will master (i) leadership and communication skills (ii) project scheduling and cost control principles, (iii) stakeholders categorizing and managing and (iv) risk identification and mitigation. ​​​​​​

​Course Description

  • CPRM 202 Project Leadership and Communication 

This course will help project managers become better team leaders by sharpening their skills and improving their knowledge in key areas of communication, motivation, expectation setting and problem solving. Participants will be equipped with practical knowledge, skills, and tools that empower them to effectively lead projects. 

  • CPRM 203 Project Scheduling & Control Tools

Project planning and control is highly important in organizations. This course involves an in-depth coverage of project planning and control tools used in managing and delivering projects. The topics covered in this course are project scheduling basics and models, as well as project monitoring and control tools. 

  • CPRM 204 Project Stakeh​older Ma​nagement

Upon completion of this course, the project manager would have learnt the tactics and tools to properly identify, categorize and prioritize stakeholders, manage stakeholders in a real and virtual world, and have a grasp of the leadership and negotiation skill sets required to manage difficult stakeholders in complex projects. 

  • CPRM 316​ Project Risk Management 

Successful project management practices must adequately assess risks and execute a successful risk response. This course present different approaches to identify risks; qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze risks and determine their impacts; risk ranking and response techniques; and approaches to monitor, control, and communicate risks throughout the project life cycle. ​​​

​​​​​​To submit your full registration, ​​send all filled required documents to or pass by CEC Office. ​​​​​

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