American University of Beirut



LDEM student team wins third place in the Three Squares International Design Competition

The faculty, students, and administration of the Department of Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management (LDEM) at FAFS are proud to announce that  LDEM students won third place in the international design competition titled ‘The Three Squares’ in Batroun. 

The completion entries were predominantly from professional offices with LDEM team being the only student team shortlisted. The team members included Vartkes Khasholian (4th year), Sandrine Saad (4th year), Lana El Kaissi (2nd year), Alya Al Barazi (1st year), and Lama Ghoussainy (1st year) and were ​advised by LDEM faculty, Karim Bacha, Nadine Khayat, and Wissam Melhem. 

The Awards ceremony was on November 19th in Batroun, where winners were recognized and awards distributed. The LDEM team entry entitled ‘Neighborhood Dialogue with the Sea’ emphasized the local character of the C​ity of Batroun and its relationship with the sea. LDEM participated with two student groups selected from several competing student teams who participated in a two-day departmental charrette where the whole student body participated in this event with groups mixed from all cohorts. 

Congratulations to our LDEM students!

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