American University of Beirut

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    SMEC 23-24 Conference

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    SMEC 23-24 Program

    SMEC Conference sessions:




    NEW COURSE: Multilingualism in Education and Society

    The Department of Education has offered a new graduate course this fall 2021-22 entitled Multilingualism in Education and Society. Taught by Dr. Tamer Amin, the course examines various aspects of the phenomenon of multilingualism in societies around the world and examines its relevance to education.

    The course looks at the social, historical and political forces that have incre​​ased the use of multiple languages within the same community. It then examines the implications of these trends for language allocation in school curricula and how multilingualism presents challenges to teaching and learning. The course engages students with the international research literature on multilingualism in education and society, but also gives particular attention to local and regional issues - such as the use of a foreign language to teach science and mathematics and the educational challenges of Arabic diglossia.  

    Research & Grants

    The AUB Library is pleased to share with you the "Pick of the Month" for the month of September 2022:

    Ghaith, G. M., & Awada, G. M. (2022). Cooperative learning and world-readiness standards for learning languages: A guide for effective practice. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. 


    NEW RESEARCH PROJECT: Developing Concepts and Beliefs in Lebanon

    Dr. Tamer Amin (AUB) and collaborator, Dr. Maliki Ghossainy (Boston University), have been awarded a $450,000 grant (funder: John Templeton Foundation) to study the development of natural and supernatural concepts and beliefs in children aged 4-13. In this five-year project (2020-2025), Amin and Ghossainy will investigate how concepts and beliefs​, with a particular emphasis on religious cognition, develop in Lebanese children,  They will examine how cognitive and sociocultural processes interact to shape children's thinking in this domain.


    NEW phase for the TAMAM Grant project: Sustaining and strengthening TAMAM movement for school-based improvement in the Arab World

    The TAMAM project, directed by Dr. Rima Karami, received a new grant from the Arab Thought Foundation (ATF) -the project's main funder since 2007- to continue its research and development activities for an additional 4 years (2021-2025).

    The focus of TAMAM phase V is to “sustain and strengthen TAMAM movement for school-based improvement in the Arab World". The new grant will help establish TAMAM as a Networked Improvement Community with high capacity to lead school-based improvement to achieve the shared goal of improving student agency and their engagement in lifelong learning. The six strategic goals for TAMAM phase V are:

    1. Strengthening and sustaining active membership in the TAMAM expanding professional network;
    2. Establishing partnerships with key institutional stakeholders;
    3. Building Networked Improvement Communities [NIC] within and across country hubs;
    4. Enhancing the TAMAM research lab (in terms of activity and products);
    5. Increasing the visibility of TAMAM activities;
    6. Sustaining TAMAM activities. ​


    A Transition Program in Lebanon: The Pre-College Mentoring Program

    The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at AUB in collaboration with the Department of Education have proven their commitment to the UN Sustainable Agenda motto of “leaving no one behind" by developing and piloting an innovative pre-college mentoring program (PCM) to support at-risk students as they contemplate making the leap from high school to university. This research study aimed to explore the effectiveness and impact of this program and to identify parameters that would inform policy makers and educators on how to best design future similar mentoring programs.

    One hundred 11th graders from 11 public schools, several school staff, and 20 faculty members from 10 departments at AUB participated in this study.These departments are agriculture, architecture, biology, chemistry, computer science, education, electrical and computer engineering, media studies, nursing, and physics.

    Participating students were exposed to 20 hours of on the-job shadowing experiences, enabling them to conduct, under the guidance of the AUB faculty members, several curriculum-related experiments and real-life applications of concepts studied at school. Through this experiential and immersive learning, students were provided with a platform to practice several skills relevant to the 21 centuries, including communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration and to learn more about majors associated with each discipline. The other 20 hours developed by the University Preparatory Program (UPP) targeted basic life-skills, such as time management, decision making, self-management and other study skills that would promote students' academic success and help them make a well- informed decision related to their college choice and future careers.  Additionally, the program encompasses two informative sessions on scholarship opportunities provided by AUB and other universities/NGOs ; admission's  requirements and college majors.  
    Learn more


    TAMAM-June 2021

    After14 years of research and development, the TAMAM project is inviting you to check its recently updated digital library that reflects its research-based designs and school-based improvement experiences.

    We are pleased to share with you the TAMAM introductory video​​


    We also invite you to check the TAMAM newly designed brochure in both Arabic and English

    We also encourage you to navigat​e the TAMAM renovated website​​ to learn more about the details of the project.

    More on TAMAM social media accounts:

    Facebook​ | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube​

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