The fellowship program was established back in the mid 1980’s. It is a three year fellowship program in Pulmonary and Critical Care medicine. We currently train 5 fellows at any given time. Currently we have 2 first year fellows, 1 second year and two First year fellows. The fellowship experience is designed to prepare trainees achieve successful, independent careers in pulmonary and critical care medicine. Our graduating fellows have typically worked in Lebanon and in the gulf countries.
The fellows have a busy educational program in addition to their clinical duties. The structured educational activities include:
- Weekly pulmonary conference during which the fellow will present and discuss a case encountered during his training.
- Monthly pulmonary pathology conference
- Monthly journal club
- Biweekly core curriculum lectures given by attending physician covering important topics in pulmonary and critical care medicine
- Twice a weekly ICU conference given by the pulmonary and critical care fellow and attending for the residents.
- New core curriculum topics given biweekly
- Evaluation by an in-service exam for knowledge assessment and benchmarking.
- Anesthesia rotation for intubation training.
- Weekly ultrasound learning (e-learning module from ACCP)