American University of Beirut

Visiting Professor Award (VPA)


The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to solicit applications for Visiting Professor Awards from the Diana Tamari Sabbagh Scholars Program (DTSSP) to support invited visits to AUB by thought leaders holding senior academic ranks at universities outside Lebanon.

The AUB DTSSP is funded by a generous gift from the Diana Tamari Sabbagh Foundation to promote excellence by enhancing the education and expertise of healthcare and health-related professionals through support of specialized training and exchange programs at AUB or abroad.

The Visiting Professor Award seeks to support visits to AUB by recognized scholars at the rank of Associate Professor or higher holding academic or research positions at an institution abroad. The purpose of the award is to enhance the expertise and expand the horizons of scholars and practitioners at AUB through interaction with outside visitors. The visitor’s specialty can be in any subject of interest to AUB’s academic community.

Pending the availability of funding, the RFA anticipates awarding one grant to fund applications submitted in response to this RFA. Applications may be submitted up by the deadline listed in the table below. It is expected that this grant will provide partial support towards the cost of living of the awardee abroad for a maximum period of 2 years. Please note that no fee is required in submission of these applications.

The issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award commitment on the part of DTSSP nor does it commit DTSSP to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application. Further, DTSSP reserves the right to reject any or all applications submitted.


Application and Submission Information

  • Content and Form of Application Submission

    It is critical that applicants follow the instructions below. Conformance to the requirements is required and strictly enforced. Applications that are out of compliance with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.
    Applicants shall fill the official application form (DTSSP-F1), in which they select the program category of interest. ​

    The complete application to be received by the DTSSP CommitteeMarch 16, 2020

    The complete application consists of the following documents:
    • Copy of an academic résumé or curriculum vitae of the invited scholar.
    • Written proposal outlining the profile and planned activity of the visiting faculty, including specific dates of the visit and a detailed timeline of activities.
    • Copy of the letter of invitation sent by the applicant department to the guest scholar. The letter should make explicit reference to the written proposal submitted by the applying department at AUB.
    • Letter of approval by the invited scholar to visit AUB on specific dates. In the letter, the guest should express acceptance of the visit plan proposed by the host..​

  • The Written Proposal

    The written proposal consists of the following sections: Number of pages
    A. Profile of guest & Specific Aims of the visit 1 page
    B. Introduction, Rationale and Long-term Objectives 1 page
    C. Topics covered and Methods Up to 2 pages
    D. Plan of Work and Timeline Up to 2 pages
    E. Relevance of Project to Health Care and Justification for the Award  

  • Required Documents and Important Dates​


    Complete Application

    • Academic résumé or Curriculum Vitae of guest
    • Written Proposal as outlined under 2 above
    • Letter of Approval by the Applicant Department at AUB
    • Letter of admission into a foreign training program
    March 16, 2020

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