General Information
The scope and intensity of the COVID-19 pandemic mean that no single agency can work alone to effectively control and mitigate its impact. Governments need to collaborate with a wide array of agencies and institutions to shape the collective response needed to achieve desired goals.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have the opportunity and the responsibility to play a major role in pandemic response particularly among the most vulnerable population groups; they have the technical expertise, human resources, communications and infrastructure needed to contribute significantly to the response. However, it remains unclear to what extent NGOs are being mobilized and harnessed in the COVID-19 response and the existing mechanisms to optimize their involvement.
To Read: Strengthening the Role
of Local and International
Non-Governmental Organizations
in Pandemic Responses
This series was developed by Racha Fadlallah, Dr. Fadi El Jardali and Najla Daher
Watch: Who are the responsible sectors involved in containing COVID-19 and limit its spread